Last Youth/Junior Summer Camp at the OTC

Tue, 02 Aug 2016 14:17:03 +0000
April 16, 2024
Last Youth/Junior Summer Camp at the OTC

Earlier this July I received an email from USA Weightlifting that I was selected to help coach at the 2016 Youth/Junior Summer Elite. A few days prior one of my athletes (Shannon) received her invitation to attend. This was huge honor to be asked to help out! Honestly I was just happy one of my athletes got the chance to attend, I did not expect to be asked to come along as a camp coach! Making this opportunity more special is the fact that this will be one of the last camps held at the Colorado Springs OTC because Weightlifting is being moved out of the Olympic Training Center. Highlights of Camp:

  1. Seeing the amazing youth and junior talent coming up - the future of USA Weightlifting is bright!
  2. Watching and learning from Olympic Champion and Team USA Coach Zygmunt Smalcerz. It is absolutely amazing how much energy and enthusiasm he has at 75 years old! Learned from Camp:

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