Athlete of the Month: Karin Jonczak

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 15:24:06 +0000
April 16, 2024
Athlete of the Month: Karin Jonczak
Karin Celebrates

Coach's Remarks:

Over the past two years Karin has been a pleasure to work with as both an athlete and up-and-coming coach. As an athlete she does everything asked of her with only minimal complaining.Beyond being an athlete she is valuable asset to all West Chester Weightlifting Athletes. She has a wealth of knowledge in a variety of areas from health care, nutrition, CrossFit to computers and technology and she is always willing to help anyone!Weight class: 63kg (aiming for 64kg)Height: 5’ 3.5" (dude, that .5 is IMPORTANT)Age: 42 (going on 20, somedays)What year did you begin weightlifting? 2009 or so, I really don't remember, but focusing on Oly when I started with Ryan!How did you get involved in weightlifting? Crossfit!Most exciting moment so far in weightlifting: Snatching over BW at the Pivotal meet last year.Favorite Competition Lift: The last successful lift I hit? I don't really have a fav, I just like to feel that I lifted well.Favorite Training Lift: Jerks, haha, wait anyone who knows me knows that is a HUGE lie. My favorite lift is the one I just PRd :-)Personal Goals:before I die... someday, maybe, hopefully?

Favorite Book: Nothing specific but I love all the books by Anne McCaffery in her dragon series!Favorite TV Show or Movie:  Orphan Black right nowFavorite Song: uh...?Hobbies/Interested outside of Weightlifting: what are those?Most people don’t know that… I rode horses professional for 2 years after college.Two Truths and One Lie….

  1. All my front teeth are fake.
  2. I am certified in scuba diving.
  3. I played classical viola for 15 years.

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